5 Benefits of Content Marketing to Grow Your Online Business

Are you dreaming of launching a thriving online digital product business? Then you need to understand the benefits of content marketing. Every solopreneur should create a content marketing strategy and plan that supports their goals.

Have you ever been annoyed by people online asking you to buy their products? Me too - and I once was that person and it didn't align with who I am. I'm so thankful I discovered the power of content marketing because this is the exact opposite of... "Are you interested now? How about now?" 

What’s Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the art of creating, publishing, and distributing valuable information that helps your ideal customers overcome challenges or reach their goals.

Notice I didn't say it's the art of sales? That comes later, as a byproduct of being helpful. 

Content marketing includes, but isn't limited to blog posts, eBooks, videos, podcasts, social media posts, checklists, resource libraries, etc.

Don't worry - you don't have to do all those things. In fact, you shouldn't. The goal is quality... not quantity. 

How does Content Marketing Work?

By providing useful content, you're offering a helping hand without asking for anything in return. This selfless approach builds credibility and trust with your ideal future customers. It keeps them interested until they're ready to purchase your solution.

Did you know that 79% of companies use content marketing to generate high-quality leads (leads are people who take an action that tells you they're interested in what you're selling)? It's true!

With the right content marketing strategy, 74% of businesses have seen an increase in lead generation, both in quality and quantity.

Content Marketing in Action

Let's explore two real-life examples of how content marketing can work wonders for your business:

  1. Baby Sleep Training Coach: Understand your ideal customers' desires and problems: parents want/need more sleep and they can't because their baby doesn't sleep well. Offer them solutions through blog posts, podcasts, or videos, such as relaxation tips for babies or a detailed bedtime routine. Offer exclusive content in exchange for their email address. If your content is helpful and they like your approach, when they're ready, they'll buy your comprehensive solution.
  2. Knitting Expert: Help your customers achieve smaller goals, like learning beginner stitches or choosing materials. Follow up with emails, showcasing finished projects and inspiring ideas. As they gain confidence in their skills, they'll purchase your solution, remembering how you helped them from the start.

Top 5 Benefits of Content Marketing:

  1. Boost Online Sales

    "Great content is the best sales tool in the world." ~ Marcus Sheridan

    Content marketing takes the pressure out of selling. It allows you to educate your audience about your products or services, helping them understand the benefits and unique selling points. This knowledge empowers potential customers to make informed decisions, increasing the chances of them choosing your offering over your competitors.

    By providing valuable content with integrity (meaning you genuinely want to help), you empower your customers to choose their own adventure. Instead of bombarding them with sales pitches, your content educates, entertains, or inspires them, gently reminding them that you're there when they're ready.

  2. Establish Credibility & Build Trust and Relationships

    By helping your potential customers overcome obstacles and achieve their goals through insightful, well-researched, and unique content, you demonstrate your expertise and dependability. In the digital world, trust is everything. This positions you as their trusted advisor and innovator in your niche. Your ideal customers will be more likely to seek your guidance in the future, leading to increased customer acquisition, loyalty, and ultimately, business growth.

    As customers share their results along with your content on social media platforms, it amplifies your reach, generates more engagement, and enhances your brand's online presence. When they share positive experiences, it helps you organically expand your customer base and establish a strong and sustainable word-of-mouth marketing channel.

  3. Increase Brand Awareness

    "Content is fire. Social media is gasoline." ~ Jay Baer

    Your brand is an essential part of your business identity. Content marketing helps shape your brand values and allows people to connect with you more authentically.

    Content distribution is just as crucial as content creation, so don't forget to share your work with the world! Here are some specific content distribution recommendations that include both common and less-common tactics:

    • Repurpose Content: Turn your blog posts into engaging videos, social media posts, infographics, or podcasts to reach a broader audience. By presenting your content in different formats, you cater to diverse preferences and learning styles.
    • Use Social Media: Share your content across various social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Tailor your message to suit each platform's unique audience and format, using relevant hashtags and tagging influencers when appropriate.
    • Email Marketing: Start an email list to offer exclusive email content, updates, and promotions to keep your audience engaged and maintain a strong connection. In addition to exclusive content, you can extend their learning by linking to your latest content.
    • Collaborate with Peers: Partner with other influencers or businesses in your niche for guest blogging, podcast interviews, or social media takeovers. These collaborations can introduce your content to new audiences and help establish your authority in the industry.
    • Quora and Reddit: Participate in relevant discussions on platforms like Quora and Reddit to answer questions and share your expertise. This can be a great way to distribute your content by providing value and directing users to your website for more information.
    • Content Syndication: Syndicate your content on third-party websites or platforms, like Medium, LinkedIn Publishing, or industry-specific sites. This can help amplify your reach and attract new readers who may not have discovered your content otherwise.
    • Utilize Online Communities: Share your content in niche-specific online forums, Facebook groups, or Slack communities where your target audience is active. Engage in meaningful conversations and share your content when it adds value to the discussion.

      By implementing these content distribution tactics, you'll increase your content's visibility, reach new audiences, and maximize its potential impact. Remember to track your distribution efforts' performance to identify which channels and strategies work best for your brand and audience.

  4. Cost-Effective 

    All you need to launch a successful content marketing strategy is a laptop, an internet connection, and a plan. Commit to creating and distributing regular content to build a thriving business with organic (free) content marketing before you consider running ads.

  5. Improve Customer Retention

    High-quality content not only attracts new customers but also helps retain existing ones. By providing valuable, relevant, and engaging content, you'll keep your audience interested and encourage them to stay connected with your brand. Here are three specific recommendations for content that helps retain customers:

    • Personalized Email Content with Segmentation: Utilize email segmentation to deliver personalized and targeted content to your customers based on their preferences, behaviors, or previous interactions with your brand. By meeting the customer where they are and providing information at their time of need, you can increase the relevance of your content and strengthen your relationship with them. For example, you can send specific tips and resources to customers who have purchased a particular product or service, helping them get the most out of their investment.
    • Educational Content Series: Create a series of educational content pieces that guide customers through the various aspects of using your product or service. This can include in-depth tutorials, case studies, or best practices that demonstrate the value of your offering and help customers achieve better results. By continuously providing helpful information, you'll foster customer loyalty and position your brand as a trusted resource.
    • Exclusive Offers and Insider Access: Reward your existing customers with exclusive content, offers, or experiences that are only available to them. This can include early access to new products, special promotions, or members-only webinars and events. By providing these exclusive benefits, you'll make your customers feel valued and appreciated, increasing their likelihood of remaining loyal to your brand.

      By focusing on retaining customers through personalized content, educational resources, and exclusive offers, you'll create long-lasting relationships and build a solid foundation for your brand's continued success.

Unlike some marketing tactics that offer short-term gains, content marketing can deliver long-lasting results. If you focus on creating evergreen content that remains relevant over time, it continues to drive traffic and generate leads, providing an excellent return on investment (ROI). 

With so many benefits of content marketing, it's easy to see why it's an indispensable component of a successful online business strategy. If you implement even one of the ideas listed above, you'll be well on your way to creating a thriving online presence and achieving your business goals.

How I can help:

  • Ready to embark your exciting entrepreneurial journey?
    Start by taking my free quiz to discover the Best Online Business Type for You.

  • Kickstart your online business with confidence:
    Join my Start an Online Business 5-Day Challenge. During this transformative experience, you'll develop your niche, handpick your ideal customers, and conduct market research to create a blueprint for your online digital product business. By the end of the challenge, you'll have invaluable insights and a robust database to guide you as you lay the foundation for your thriving online empire.