How to Start a Profitable Online Business: 3 Things to Do Before Getting Started

Start an Online Business
How to Start a Profitable Online Business: 3 Things to Do Before Getting Started

Are you thinking about becoming an entrepreneur? Hold your horses! Before diving into designing logos, building websites, and writing content, there's a crucial aspect you need to focus on first... your ideal customers.

If you want a profitable business, getting started with only your ideas can be the Achilles' heel in your new business. When you start before you know what's in your ideal customers' head and heart, you’re making assumptions about what they need. That leads to redoing your website 3 times before you make any money because you’re second-guessing your assumptions. 

My best tip for a successful, profitable online business is to focus on the needs and wants of your future customers...


By getting to know them before you jump into creating anything.

Imagine having a crystal-clear blueprint (or roadmap) for your business, knowing exactly what products or services to offer, where to find your ideal customers online, and what content will make your brand stand out.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Well, it all begins with a strategy, a plan, and a solid foundation. I'm here to guide you through it.

Your business is really about them... your soon-to-be customers.

When you start by figuring out what your ideal customers need and want that you can offer:

  • Every decision you have to make will be easier. 
  • Your brand promise and every message will be more clear.
  • Your content will resonate with your ideal customers because you'll know exactly what they need and want.
  • You'll never run out of ideas because you create what your audience asked for.

That's how you create a strong foundation to build your business.

How do you do that?

Step 1: Create your niche. Narrow it down.

Let's start with something that is totally about what you want to do.

Hone in on your passion or something you can talk about for hours without researching. Brainstorm ideas and choose a topic that you're passionate about. Refine your niche by diving deeper into the topic and identifying a unique specialty within it. Narrow your niche further by getting descriptive about your specialty within that topic. What kind of ____ do you want to be?

Step 2: Choose Your Ideal Customer.

You get to choose who you want to work with. Say what? ๐Ÿคฏ 

Yes, I said you get hand pick your ideal customer.

Think about someone you enjoy working with, someone who makes work fun and interesting. Who are they and why do you like working with them? Now, venture out into the digital world and connect with like-minded individuals and talk to them. 

Step 3: Get to Know Your Ideal Customer.

It’s time to learn how you can help the people you want to work with. Explore free forums and online groups where your potential clients gather and engage in conversations. Ask insightful questions to uncover their needs, desires, and obstacles related to your niche. 

Here are a few sample questions to ask:

  • What are your goals (as it relates to your niche)? 
  • What are your challenges?
  • What do you want most?
  • What obstacles do you face? 
  • What have you already tried?
  • What's holding you back?

A deep understanding of your ideal customers will make every aspect of your business more manageable and laser-focused on their needs. Once you really understand your ideal customer, everything else gets easier. 

If you'd like to dive deep into those three topics, that's exactly what we do in my Start an Online Business 5-Day Challenge


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